Professional, quality & competitive building and glazing services

Work Experience at Waller Services

Work Experience at Waller Services

Waller Associates Ltd provided work experience for Joe Timmons from Fulston Manor School in Sittingbourne during the week 11th – 15th July 2011.We received this letter of thanks from Joe.

18th July 2011

Dear Mr Waller,

Thank you for taking me on for the work experience week, I enjoyed it a lot so thanks.

The best bit about the whole week was working with the glazers and another thing was you did not treat me like a kid so thanks for that. Before I went I thought that all I would be doing is making tea and that but not once did I have to and everyone there was very friendly and nice and some were even funny so thanks to everyone.


Joe Timmons

Note from Steve: It was a pleasure to have Joe working with us for a week. We have supported work experience placements from Fulston Manor School for the last 6 years as we believe it provides a valuable insight for school leavers into the world of work and helps us to provide opportunities for our local community.We have kept in touch with many of our work experience people over the years and wish them all well in the future.

I would also like to point out that we don’t drink tea and am pleased to hear that someone finally appreciates our humour!
