School Window Replacement
This School window replacement in Hoo, Kent, was the initial stage of a 3 year plan. Waller Glazing Services installed new windows and doors to the main school building. We removed the existing Crittal windows during the school summer holidays. They were replaced with uPVC windows containing eco safety glass. This transformed the appearance of the academy as well as improving the thermal efficiency of the entire main school block. The headteacher was extremely impressed with the look of the windows. He was also impressed on how Waller Glazing Services had kept the school clean and tidy whilst being on site throughout the project.
Waller Glazing Services
In the last five years, Waller Building and Glazing has worked in over 125 schools. Our reputation in the education sector is growing fast. The glazing services we provide include smaller repairs through to completed UPVC and aluminium window and door installations. Waller Building and Glazing is a Fensa, Chas, Constructionline and Safecontractor approved company. We are also a Kent County Council approved contractor. All of our workmen are DBS checked. This means you can be assured that our staff are suitable to work in schools. You can also be confident that we are a company that is built on trust. If your school is planning any size of glazing project, we would be delighted to provide you with a quotation. Furthermore we would be happy to price any maintenance or refurbishment works for your school.
Glazing Services We Provide in Schools
We cover all the building as well as glazing services that a school would require. This includes, glass repairs and window installs. We also install repair handles, hinges and double glazed units. Check out our website case studies to see projects we have recently completed.
Contact Waller Glazing
We are based in Sittingbourne, Kent. We carry out works throughout the south east of England. If you would like a quotation on any size of glazing project, please contact us. Call 01795 424435 Additionally email