School Aluminium Window Replacement

We were awarded this school aluminium window replacement project. The works were for Tymberwood Academy in Gravesend. The project started by removing the existing Crittall windows. Each window was replaced with an aluminium, double glazed system. Solar controlled glass was fitted that reflects away a large degree of the sun’s heat during the summer. This results in an improved working environment for students. Additionally a digital entry system was also installed. This increased the security of the school greatly. Blue metallic infill panels were fitted which improved the aesthetics of the building. We added fly mesh to the kitchen windows. Therefore they can be open without any insects entering the area. This is especially important in food hygiene. Window winders were installed to high level windows. This allow windows to be easily accessible. It increases the ventilation too.

The works were carried out during the school term. Minimal disruption was caused to the school. This was due to a well planned schedule of works.

Waller Glazing Services in Schools

In the last five years, Waller Services has worked in over 125 schools. Our reputation in the education sector is growing fast. The glazing services we provide include window and glass repairs. We also install aluminium and uPVC windows and doors. Waller Glazing is a Fensa, Chas, Constructionline and Safecontractor approved company. We are also Kent County Council approved. All of our workmen have been DBS checked. This means you can be assured that our staff are suitable to work in your school. You can be confident that we are a company that is built on trust. If your school is planning a glazing project, we would be delighted to provide you with a quote.

Contact Waller Glazing Services

We are based in Sittingbourne, Kent, and carry out works throughout the south east of England. For a quotation of any size of glazing project, please contact us call – 01795 424435.

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