Professional, quality & competitive building and glazing services

Fire Glass – Pyroguard – South East



Thank you for reading my blog! It’s been a while since I’ve posted, I’m still here at Waller glazing services!

It’s been a manic 6 months, we have been extremely busy supplying our stock glass – pyroguard and various other fire glass’s to our ever expanding customer base.

Our customers range from domestic individuals buying one or two pieces for home projects, small builders buying glass every now and then, to big commercial customers such as fire door manufactures who order every day!

We supply to every type of customer offering the same services to each and every one.

Our client base is very varied and we supply from the South East Coast to Central London!

We offer friendly advice to anyone who needs it, please feel free to give me a call or email at any time. 01795 424435 or


Below is some information that might come in handy when searching for fire glass.

Everyone asks but what is the difference between Integrity and insulation.


Integrity is the ability of the glass to remain in the frame when subjected flame for the period of time for the integrity specified.


Insulation is an additional function to Integrity.  All fire resistant glass have integrity; not all have insulation.  Insulating glasses will limit the rise in temperature on the non-fire side to an average of no more than 140 degrees Centigrade and in any one position by no more than 180 degrees Centigrade

Please see below Maximum Glass Sizes and fire rating of our stock glass

7mm Pyroguard Clear Glass
Integrity FD60

Insulation 0
maximum size  375 x 1552

7.2mm Pyroguard Clear Glass

Integrity FD30

Insulation 0
maximum size – 1200 x 2000