All Change!
In 2020 nobody knew what was coming and for me it was all change! My last day working in the Waller World office was in the March (lockdown day) when COVID-19 struck and here I’ve been ever since, working from home. Home is a rural part of Rochester (there aren’t many other properties here). It’s very quiet apart from our little dog Merrie, who barks an awful lot of the time. In fact she is barking now as I write this blog! We also have my son’s dog Ruby who is nearly 15 but she on the other hand is very quiet these days. We also take in borders from time to time in the form our daughter’s dog Tanner and our other don’s dog Lola. Three Cokapoos in the family now!
Working From Home
I now work three days a week from my small office at home and really just spend Waller Associates’ money on suppliers, subbies and wages. I do also try as hard as I can to get our clients to pay as soon as possible after we have issued them with an invoice, which thankfully they do more often than not.
I have seen lots of changes at Waller World since I have been here, not least of course when the company lost it senior director Bill. He would have loved meeting you all, but the family feel of the company still goes on – there will only ever be one WALLER WORLD.
If you missed the first part of Rosemary’s blog please click on the following link